👀BugEye sprint
There are about 550+ LNC members who participate in 👀BugEye sprint for projects from LNC Barrel and other NEAR Ecosystem projects.
in NEAR tokens

Featured LNC 👀BugEye sprinters
How it works
Runs on-demand, 3 days long 👀BugEye sprint, with a goal to provide early feedback to LNC Pro Barrel and other NEAR Ecosystem projects and rewarding participants with NEAR tokens. Up to 10 NEAR per meaningful submission, the rate can vary as per requirements.
Done by HUMANS
LNC 👀BugEye sprinters🕺 are real people who loves NEAR and USE NEAR.
Bring Awareness
Test Project is being introduced the entire LNC Community of 100,000+ (L)Earners via ALL possible channels – website, Twitter, Discord, email, push notification, and most important – referring to friends.
Fast Reports
👀BugEye sprint reports are ready within 24 hours after sprint is completed.
👀BugEyed Projects

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Passed 👀BugEye sprints
Bitte Free transactions 👀BugEye Sprint
Follow @LearnNEAR and Bitte on X 👀BugEye Sprint starts: August 28, 9 am ET 👀BugEye Sprint ends: September 6, 9 am ET Requirements: Imagine you are your friend who is brand new to web3 Open Learn NEAR Club (logout if you logged in) Login with Bitte wallet – please create a new account After login…
LNC NanoQuiz Seed Phrase beta test
Follow @LearnNEAR and @here_wallet Beta test sprint starts: May 16, 9 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: May 20, 9 am ET Requirements: Get yourself HOT wallet at Telegram https://t.me/herewalletbot Open LNC NanoQuiz http://t.me/herewalletbot/app?startapp=web-tg-learnnear-club Carefully review the quiz materials and answer the questions Take a screenshot with any correct answer so your account name is…
Name Sky Beta Test – Create and mint
Follow @LearnNEAR and NameSky on X Beta test sprint starts: April 11, 9 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: April 15, 9 am ET Requirements: Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions Go to NameSky on Testnet https://testnet.namesky.app/mint Create and mint 2 more cool NEAR testnet accounts at…
NEAR onboarding bot Beta Test
Follow @LearnNear and @NEARFoundation on X Beta test sprint starts: March 29, 11 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: April 5, 11 am ET Requirements: Read this Guide about Revolutionary Way to Engage with the NEAR Ecosystem to get the context Go to tbd https://www.delphi.ai/illia-polosukhin Ask Illia digital twin a few questions about NEAR and…
NEAR docs broken links audit
Submissions deadline: April, 4, 2024 Requirements: Login with NEAR at https://docs.near.org/ Explore the NEAR Docs section you are mostly interested – Learn for users, Build for developers Randomly check the links on the pages – the goal is help NEARDocs team to make it better! Submit feedback form We have reserved some NEAR for legit…
nStamp Beta Test
Follow @LearnNear and on Twitter Beta test sprint starts: September 27, 11 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: October 1, 11 am ET Requirements: Read these Guides about Privacy and Near as Public Database to get the context Go to nStamp page Pass nCaptcha Fill the from Submit your entry – this is what you will…
Dapplets NEAR Tipping Beta Test
Follow @LearnNEAR and https://twitter.com/dapplets_org on Twitter Beta test sprint starts: September 6, 11 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: September 10, 11 am ET Requirements: Install Dapplets extension from the Chrome Extension Store to your Chrome or Brave Browser (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dapplets/pjjnaojpjhgbhpfffnjleidmdbajagdj) Activate it and go to the Twitter feed page Open Dapplets Extension Overlay and activate Tipping NEAR…
MyNearWallet Password Beta Test
Follow @LearnNEAR and @MyNEARWallet on Twitter Beta test sprint starts: August 18, 11 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: August 23, 11 am ET Requirements: Create a testnet account at https://testnet.mynearwallet.com/ The first step of this account creation process now includes creating a password – used to unlock your wallet and enhance security After you have…
👀BugEye beta test
Follow @LearnNEAR on Twitter Beta test sprint starts: July 20, 9 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: July 24, 9 am ET Requirements: Explore LNC website, including courses Detect and describe an issue/bug found and make screenshots Submit issue to BugEye Take a screenshot Tweet your screenshot and “I just reported an issue via @LearnNEAR 👀BugEye,…