You Pick, You Name, You Mint!

Generate your unique LNCer until you like it!

Name your LNCer – say, “Pop Dancer”

Mint cost: FREE for limited time

About LNCer NFT Collection

LNCer NFT collection is a collab between LNC community and one of the best award winning graphic designers in Europe.
Art concept is based on dynamic human intelligence diversity powered by uniqueness of every learner.
Every NFT minter is invited to creatively participate in this project:
– Generate and pick posture of the graphic character crafted by design genius
– Give name to your creature
– Curate your personal unique collection


Get your LNCer now

Quick Facts

Community Generated

LNC  LNCer  NFT project connects every minter’s creativity with graphic design genius.
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Affordable but not Free

Normal cost of minting is set to 0.12 $NEAR

Unlimited NFTs

No cap for the LNCer minting – you can use them in any way you like – Proof of Achievement, Gifts, etc.

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