Name Sky Beta Test – Create and mint

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Beta test sprint starts: April 11, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: April 15, 9 am ET


  1. Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions
  2. Go to NameSky on Testnet 
  3. Create and mint 2 more cool NEAR testnet accounts at NEAR wallet
  4. Take a screenshot with the NFT you just created and minted
  5. List an account for sale
  6. Buy an NFT from the Marketplace
  7. Take a screenshot with the NFT you bought
  8. Tweet with your screenshot “I’ve just created and minted cool NEAR account name as NFT at @NameSkyApp  project from @LearnNEAR Barrel”
  9. Tell us what do you think about the process.

Fill the Feedback form

The top 20 beta testers will get 1 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 5 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.

Happy Testing!

If any question for the test feel free to contact project lead at Telegram


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9 thoughts on “Name Sky Beta Test – Create and mint”

  1. Top comment

    Owning an account as an NFT is a cool concept. It offers a way to securely buy and sell NEAR accounts, which could be valuable for users with short, memorable usernames.

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