LNC NanoQuiz Seed Phrase beta test

(2,686 nL)
1 min read

Follow @LearnNEAR and @here_wallet

Beta test sprint starts: May 16, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: May 20, 9 am ET


  1. Get yourself HOT wallet at Telegram https://t.me/herewalletbot
  2. Open LNC NanoQuiz
    Carefully review the quiz materials and answer the questions
  3. Take a screenshot with any correct answer so your account name is visible
  4. Submit results.
  5. Tweet with your screenshot “@LearnNEAR NanoQuiz – learn web3 in seconds  without leaving your messenger”
  6. Tell us what do you think about the process.

Fill the Feedback form

The top 20 beta testers will get 1 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 5 NEAR.

Happy Testing!

If any question for the test feel free to contact at Telegram  https://t.me/LearnNEARClub/23570


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12 thoughts on “LNC NanoQuiz Seed Phrase beta test”

  1. Top comment

    The quiz and accompanying infographic are very educational and do a good job of explaining the importance and use of seed phrases in cryptocurrency. It's clear and concise, making it easy for beginners to understand complex concepts.

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  2. vhieu.near (2 nL)

    The LNC NanoQuiz on Seed Phrases is clear, engaging, and informative with effective visuals and interactive elements. However, it could benefit from more depth on advanced topics, consistent design, and practical scenarios. Additional resources would further enhance its educational value. Overall, it's a valuable introductory tool.

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  3. A great example of how to engage users and make learning fun. Quests are a great format of user interaction that usually few people use wisely. But, in my opinion, there should be more questions in the quiz, and the answers could be divided into several screens.

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