Zod EDGE Beta Testers Feedback

(22 nL)
1 min read

Test duration: Jan 20 – Jan 22

About project: The Zod EDGE offers decentralized GPU compute. You submit your jobs in the form of Docker files for farmers to complete. Discord: discord.com/invite/jjBSjSF

ZOD Compute Job


  1. Go to https://transcode.zod.tv/compute_creator
  2. Login with NEAR at the top right
  3. Scroll down and click the little blue Copy button after the “CURL Request” text
  4. Paste it into a mac or linux terminal.
    This response means that request is Success.
  5. Go to https://transcode.zod.tv/computes

  6. Wait for status on your job to say Done
  7. Click the little [+] button on the left of your jobzod4-300x65
  8. Take a screenshot of the page that has the Log on the right with Hello Docker in it.

  9. Twit “I run my first computational job on  @ZodTV8 – project from @LearnNEAR Barrel
  10. Fill the feedback form

The top 20 beta testers will get 1NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 8NEAR.

Happy testing!

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