Brief Summary:
FastAuth campaign , NEAR Blockchain Operating System was a blast!
- 📚 (L)Earn about FastAuth on #NEAR Blockchain Operating System in 7 languages!
- 🏆June Redeem window was super awarding! Over 200 (L)Earners completed the requirements and claimed 5 $NEAR
- We had surprise Partner Redeem from MetaPool!
📚 (L)Earn How to Buy, Sell, and Manage Securely NEAR Accounts as NFTs
- qVote for your favorite NEAR explorer! – Have your quadratic say, (L)Earner 🕺
- 📚(L)Earn about How to stake #NEAR
tokens using different wallets with @everstake_pool
Challenges & Blockers:
- Looking for more learning materials from NEAR Ecosystem
Action Items:
- New (l)earning opportunity is coming for BetaTesters! Stay tuned!
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