🧪HERE wallet on Android Beta Test

(12 nL)
1 min read
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Follow @LearnNEAR and @HEREwallet on Twitter

Beta test sprint starts: February 16, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: February 19, 9 am ET


  1. Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions
  2. Install HERE wallet app from Google Play store
  3. Switch to NEAR testnet
  4. Create or import account
  5. Send some NEAR to your friend, make a screenshot
  6. Try to send other tokens
  7. Tweet with your screenshot “I’ve just sent tokens at @here_wallet  on Android during @LearnNEAR Beta test” and tag 3 friends
  8. Tell us what do you think about the process

💡HINT: the goal of the test is to check how HERE wallet looks on different Android devices, so please try at least TWO devices

Fill the Feedback form

🤑The top 15 beta testers will get 4 NEAR, top 2 beta test feedback submitters will get 20 NEAR each. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.

Happy Testing!

If any question for the test feel free to contact project lead @neafiol at LNC Telegram Beta test topic

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4 thoughts on “🧪HERE wallet on Android Beta Test”

  1. I was unable either to import any of my existing testnet wallets or to create a new one. Seems like the existing version of HERE App doesn’t work with NEAR testnet at all. I posted more details in the feedback and also in LNC telegram/beta tests.

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  2. onixm.near (2 nL)

    All three import options did not work for me either (tested on three phones), but creating a new account worked fine, and the passphrase created in HERE was imported into it normally. The error is that the wallet does not recognize passphrases created in other wallets.

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