What is your favorite NEAR Wallet 2024?
Login with NEAR 32
Login with NEARBrief Summary: The power of (L)Earn! After reading a Guide and trying migration at real (l)earners feel 100% confident they can do it! Results: LNC very own Sasha is running for the Council of Advisors at NEAR Digital Collective https://near.org/nomination.ndctools.near/widget/NDC.Nomination.Candidate.Page?house=CouncilOfAdvisors&accountId=ahsas.near 📚 (L)Earn How to prepare for NEAR Wallet changes! 🏆July and August Redeem …
Login with NEARFollow @LearnNEAR and @MyNEARWallet on Twitter Beta test sprint starts: August 18, 11 am ET Beta Test sprint ends: August 23, 11 am ET Requirements: Create a testnet account at https://testnet.mynearwallet.com/ The first step of this account creation process now includes creating a password – used to unlock your wallet and enhance security After …
Login with NEARWhen NEAR launched its mainnet in 2020, it also launched a wallet built and hosted by the Near Inc. (then Pagoda.) core team at https://wallet.near.org to support its unique account model. Today, an array of open-source wallets call the NEAR wallet ecosystem home. As NEAR continues its decentralization drive, it significantly changes its …
Login with NEARNo doubt, most NEAR users have heard about the transition of the NEAR wallet. But there are still a lot of questions left about its reasons, processes, and relation to MyNearWallet. Here are the most asked questions about the transition with the comments of MyNearWallet team. Why should I switch from an “official” …
NEAR wallet transition: why will it happen and what should its users do now Read More »