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Beta test sprint starts: June 16, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: June 18, 11pm ET.
Read “Guide and other information about LNC testnet token mulitsender”
- Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions
- If you did not participate in tesntet LNC token sale and Claim, you can get some at
- Sign in the app LNC Multisender with NEAR testnet account
- Send unsafe at least 3 multi-transactions to as many as you can of your NEAR friends. Try with accounts which don’t contacts with LNC tokens before.
- Send from app balance at least 2 multi-transactions to your NEAR friends.
- Perform at least once “Withdraw all” operation
- Perform at least once “Deposit __ LNC” operation
- Make screenshot when you are done!
- Tweet with your screenshot “I’ve just send testnet LNC tokens to my friends at LNC Token Multisender app, project from @LearnNEAR Barrel”
Fill the Feedback form
The top 20 beta testers will get 2 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.
Happy Testing!
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