GlassFund Beta Test

2 min read

Follow @LearnNEAR on Twitter
Beta test sprint starts: May 26, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: May 28, 11pm ET.


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GlassFund Tutorial

I Create a project:

  1. Log in with your NEAR testnet account to
  2. Go to the “My Projects” tab, click on the “Create New Project” button → Fill in the options as you wish and click Create. It will cost you 1 NEAR for creating a project.
  3. View in “My Projects” tab and “Projects” tab to confirm you have it in the list.
  4. Screenshot My Projects tab.
  5. Make a tweet about your activity. Include the text: I’ve created a project to get funds at – @glassfundisnear – a project from @LearnNear Barrel.

II Support other project:

  1. Login with NEAR testnet account to
  2. Go to “Projects” tab, look for 5 projects you like, and support them.
  3. Screenshot of 2 out of 5 projects you think are the best.

III Claim reward:

  1. Login with NEAR testnet account to
  2. Go to “My Projects” tab, find your project which is in vesting time click on it to view detail. If you haven’t any projects please follow part A.
  3. Check the claimable amount, if it is higher than 0 please click the claim button.
  4. Check your wallet to see if your claim succeeded.
  5. Make a tweet about your activity. Include the text: Build up your dream with – @glassfundisnear – a project from @LearnNear Barrel.

IV Force stop project:

  1. Login with NEAR testnet account to
  2. Go to the “Projects” tab, looking for 2 of 5 projects, you funded, which you think are the worst.
  3. Click on it to view detail, and click on the “Force stop” button

V Good to have:

  1. If you have one project get force-stop by the community, please take a screenshot.
  2. If you have one project get to target (or more), please take a screenshot.

You have to do all those sections above and follow our twitter ( to be a valid tester. The most funded project will be considered to be the first prize. Also, your feedback is important.

VI Finally, submit your feedback by filling this form:

The top 20 beta testers will get 2 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.

Happy testing!


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