Follow @LearnNEAR on Twitter
Beta test sprint starts: May 26, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: May 28, 11pm ET.
Follow GlassFund on Twitter (
I Create a project:
- Log in with your NEAR testnet account to
- Go to the “My Projects” tab, click on the “Create New Project” button → Fill in the options as you wish and click Create. It will cost you 1 NEAR for creating a project.
- View in “My Projects” tab and “Projects” tab to confirm you have it in the list.
- Screenshot My Projects tab.
- Make a tweet about your activity. Include the text: I’ve created a project to get funds at – @glassfundisnear – a project from @LearnNear Barrel.
II Support other project:
- Login with NEAR testnet account to
- Go to “Projects” tab, look for 5 projects you like, and support them.
- Screenshot of 2 out of 5 projects you think are the best.
III Claim reward:
- Login with NEAR testnet account to
- Go to “My Projects” tab, find your project which is in vesting time click on it to view detail. If you haven’t any projects please follow part A.
- Check the claimable amount, if it is higher than 0 please click the claim button.
- Check your wallet to see if your claim succeeded.
- Make a tweet about your activity. Include the text: Build up your dream with – @glassfundisnear – a project from @LearnNear Barrel.
IV Force stop project:
- Login with NEAR testnet account to
- Go to the “Projects” tab, looking for 2 of 5 projects, you funded, which you think are the worst.
- Click on it to view detail, and click on the “Force stop” button
V Good to have:
- If you have one project get force-stop by the community, please take a screenshot.
- If you have one project get to target (or more), please take a screenshot.
You have to do all those sections above and follow our twitter ( to be a valid tester. The most funded project will be considered to be the first prize. Also, your feedback is important.
VI Finally, submit your feedback by filling this form:
The top 20 beta testers will get 2 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.
Happy testing!
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