Dapplets Developers contest

2 min read

Create your own web3 app on Dapplet Project platform

Dapplets Project

An open and self-governing web3 platform for augmented web. This is a web of small decentralized applications (dapplets) that run on top of other websites.

The platform is publicly available to anyone and enables a lot of new augmenting applications, both public good and commercial.

Anyone can join the project and build their own dapp.

Dapplets Developers Contest

Dapplets Project is launching a special competition for dapplets developers.

Create a dapplet and experience the true power of web3!

You will have your own, full-functioning dapp with an active audience.

Prize fund:

  • 1 place – 50 NEAR
  • 2 place – 30 NEAR
  • 3 place – 20 NEAR
  • participation prizes from Learn NEAR Club
  • special Dapplets Developer NFT for all participants.

How to join:

  1. Read Dapplets Project documentation and examples
  2. Choose one of the suggested development ideas or select your own idea
  3. Create a dapplet which serves the function you chose and publish it in the Dapplets Store
  4. Dapplets Project team will select the top 10 most interesting creations
  5. The winners will be chosen by Dapplet team
  6. Community Winner will be chosen through a public vote by Learn NEAR Club members

Development ideas:

Dapplets Project is an Augmented Web platform. This means that the main function of this platform is creating an additional information layer on top of the traditional web. With the platform’s help you can make connections between traditional sites and crypto-protocols, creating new business models.

What can you do with Augmented Web?

  • work with NFTs on traditional websites – demonstrate, sell, set as profile pictures and avatars
  • decentralized reviews and site ratings. These can be saved directly into the blockchain and displayed for all site visitors
  • decentralized chat or comments on any website
  • social media skins/themes (new icons, images, backgrounds)
  • decentralized public reactions or stickers for social media
  • services for modifying/painting others’ profile pictures
  • avatar and profile customizing for different viewer groups
  • tips and donations for different websites and projects

This is just a small bundle of ideas. We are relying on your imagination and creativity.

Don’t forget that every dapplet is a complete and fully functioning web3 app which can have its own economics and tokenomics.

This means that after creating a dapplet you become an owner of a decentralized app, it’s future is in your hands.

Important Dates:


Contest starts: Feb 16, 2022

Contest ends: March 9, 2022

Winners announcement : March 16, 2022


Docs: https://docs.dapplets.org/docs/

Developers Quickstart: https://learnnear.club/dapplets-x-near-example/





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