NEATAR Beta Test

(2,686 nL)
1 min read


  1. Login with NEAR Testnet account to NEATAR
  2. Create NEATAR.
    You can burn and mint another one, and repeat this process until you like your NEATAR – colors, colors combination, etc.
  3. Make screenshot of your NEATAR at your testnet wallet
  4.  Send a twit with a picture of your NEATAR and include this text:
    I just minted my #NEATAR at – a project from @learnnear portfolio
  5. Fill the Feedback form.

The top 20 beta testers will get 5 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure that your testnet and main account MATCH exactly – eg. john.testnet and john.near.

Happy Testing!

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