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Beta test sprint starts: March 6, 8 pm ET
Beta Test sprint ends: March 10, 11pm ET.
How to use dForm
Participate as a Form Owner:
1. Login
2. Create dForm
3. Share the dForm link to other participant
4. See the analysis
5. Export csv
6. Take a screenshot
7. Tweet about this with a screenshot “I just created a Form at dForm, project from @LearnNEAR LNC Barrel” +link your form
Participate as a Form User:
1. Login
2. Using the dForm invitation link to join form
3. Fill the form
4. Take a screenshot
5. Submit entry
6. Tweet about this with a screenshot “I just filled a Form at dForm, project from @LearnNEAR LNC Barrel”
7. Fill the feedback form (edited)
Fill the Feedback form
The top 20 beta testers will get 2 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.
Happy testing!