
Understanding Permissions on the NEAR To Calimero Blockchain Bridge

Login with NEARThe Calimero blockchain bridge connects Near and Calimero. It can bridge two types of assets: FTs (Fungible Tokens) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Additionally, it can perform Cross-Shard Contract Calls, where a smart contract on one chain can call smart contracts on the opposite chain and receive callbacks. These three ways of using the …

Understanding Permissions on the NEAR To Calimero Blockchain Bridge Read More »

What is Calimero? Introducing private sharding on NEAR

Login with NEARCalimero network’s private shards explained – Blockchain solution that enables scaling and privacy The beauty of the blockchain technology is that all participants in blockchain networks trust the information on it, because the data on that blockchain is immutable, visible and accessible to everyone in real time. But web3 is currently far from …

What is Calimero? Introducing private sharding on NEAR Read More »

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