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Beta test sprint starts: February 9, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: February 12, 9 am ET
- Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions
- Read the Guide 📚How to Test the Positron Bridge: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Get yourself an Ethereum account via Metamask
- Go to Positron Bridge
- Follow the steps in the Guide above
- Take a screenshot of your transfers History
- Tweet with your screenshot “I’ve just transferred tokens from Ethereum to NEAR via @labs_electron Positron Bridge during @LearnNEAR Beta test” and tag 3 friends
- Tell us what do you think about the process
💡HINT: if nothing works, you may need to try another browser with disabled JS blocking addons
Fill the Feedback form
🤑The top 15 beta testers will get 4 NEAR, top 2 beta test feedback submitters will get 20 NEAR each. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.
Happy Testing!
If any question for the test feel free to contact project lead Shubham Yadav at LNC Telegram Beta test topic
An excellent bridge that has many benefits for the user. The main ones are the speed, the absence of additional manual confirmation of the transaction at the end of the transfer of tokens to the new network and the low commission in GoerliETH. If it remains at the same level when moving to the mainnet, then the majority will choose this bridge as the most economical solution. For greater versatility, you need to increase the number of supported wallets (Meteor Wallet, HERE Wallet, Ledger)
I have faced on a issue with test tokens visibility in existing NEAR wallets, despite Positron app displays them correctly.
Look for details in my feedback, also posted in the LNC telegram groop.
All rest works fine, didn’t notice this visibility issue or any else with Goerli.
Good UI/ UX
Top recommend and efficient