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Beta test sprint starts: January 24, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: January 27, 9 am ET
- Get yourself our Telegram bot LNC NEAR testnet watcher to get notified on transactions
- Read the Guide 📚How the NEAR Rainbow Bridge works
- Get yourself an Ethereum account via Metamask
- Get yourself some ETH on testnet from
- Go to and connect your NEAR and Ethereum wallets
- Start new transfer
- Transfer 20 $NEAR t0 Ethereum or Aurora.
- Try to transfer the funds back
- Tell us what do you think about the process
💡HINT: if nothing works, you may need to try another browser with disabled JS blocking addons
Fill the Feedback form
🤑The top 10 beta testers will get 5 NEAR, top 2 beta test feedback submitters will get 20 NEAR each. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.
Happy Testing!
If any question for the test feel free to contact project lead @antonpaisov at LNC Telegram Beta test topic
All transactions were carried out easily and comfortably. I am very satisfied and thank you
I’m so interested in the fastest transfer from Near to ETH via Aurora.
Nicely project.
The transfer of NEAR and ETH went without problems, but the attempt to transfer other tokens from the Ethereum network to NEAR failed. First I tried via USDC name but it is not active. I also tried via the token address (for example, LINK 0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB) but the bridge gave the error “Token not available”
Transfers NEAR->Ethereum & Ethereum->NEAR are working perfectly, everything is ok!
But i faced on problems with NEAR->Aurora & Aurora->NEAR transfers, it doesn’t work correctly. I have submitted details in the feedback.
I believe in the Near and Aurora project. I can’t explain it, it’s something at the level of inner sensations. Rainbow Bridge does its job. The only thing I would like is speed, but it depends not only on Near and the Rainbow Bridge.
All transactions were carried out easily and comfortably. I am very satisfied and thank you🤝
google chrome doesn’t connect Metamask on site