Redeem nLEARNs - September 15th 2024 9AM ET- Open for 12 hours
In order to participate in Redeem nLEARNs to NEAR, Learn NEAR Club (LNC) Member shall confirm:
- Joined LNC at least 2 weeks ago
- (L)Earned at least 4 nLEARN within 7 days since previous Redeem Window - stay ACTIVE
- (L)Earned at least 64 nLEARNs since previous Redeem Window - stay ACTIVE
- Never participated in "bad" activities - jumping from Step to Step without Learning a thing
- Have enough amount of nLEARNs at the account
- This September Redeem we are checking revolutionary on-boarding via sponsored transactions by Bitte.
- Read and Like this guide about Bitte paymaster. Leave a comment if you think it is cool (hint: ask NEAR AI to help you)
- Invite your friend using your referral.
- Ask them to use Bitte wallet and Create new account. They should be able to login seamlessly.
- Ask them to Confirm referral.
- Ask them to mint LNCer NFT (this time we cover the transactions) so it is FREE
- Ask them to set LNCer NFT as profile picture.
- Find your friend at LNC members directory.
- Take a screenshot with their name and profile (must be LNCer NFT)
- Post on X - "My friend just become (L)Earner @LearnNear. This is next level of onboarding! Kudos to @BitteProtocol for making this real🙏 " and attach your screenshot
- Extra activity - mint an LNCer NFT if you don't have yet!
- Invite at least 2 friends(accounts) to Join LNC and ask them to confirm referral
- Limited number of (L)Earner NFT holders have 2 hours priority access to Redeem - first come, first served!
- This time we cap the priority access by 150, the rest 350 will be available at 9 am ET to everyone. This way seems to be more fair - recently joined learners get a chance to redeem too.
- For security purposes number of participants is limited to 500 for this Redeem Window so please act in timely manner.
The Redeem Window opens for 12 hours starting September 15, 2024 at 9am ET. It takes 2 business days to process submissions so come to claim NEAR here in 2 business days.
Next Redeem Window is scheduled October 15th, 2024.
Happy (L)Earning!