How we use Sputnik DAO at LeanNEAR.Club

LNC Pro Translate

There are TWO levels of DAO in use:

Mother DAO and the following subDAOs:


Look at Mother DAO as a Client/Funder, subDAOs as a Contractor and subDAOs members as Subcontractor.

Let’s take a look at how it works for community translation. A guide Top 3 NFT Projects On The NEAR Protocol needs to be translated in Vietnamese.
SubDAO members submit proposals for translation and review.

Then one of them submitted a consolidated proposal to the Mother DAO with subDAO as funds receiver

Once the work is accepted and translated Guide is published subDAO members split received funds as per proposals submitted earlier.

For possible conflict resolutions, Mother DAO member acts also as Voting Member at ALL subDAOs.


Consolidated Award Proposal [Translator + Reviewer]=$25/500 words

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