
To Share and +4 nLEARNs

| Variable Name | SDK Variable | Description |
| ———————- | ——————————- | ———————————————————————- |
| Predecessor | `env::predecessor_account_id()` | Account ID that called this method |
| Current Account | `env::current_account_id()` | Account ID of this smart contract |
| Signer | `env::signer_account_id()` | Account ID that signed the transaction leading to this execution |
| Attached Deposit | `env::attached_deposit()` | Amount in NEAR attached to the call by the predecessor |
| Account Balance | `env::account_balance()` | Balance of this smart contract (including Attached Deposit) |
| Prepaid Gas | `env::prepaid_gas()` | Amount of gas available for execution |
| Timestamp | `env::block_timestamp()` | Current timestamp (number of non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC)|
| Current Epoch | `env::epoch_height()` | Current epoch in the blockchain |
| Block Index | `env::block_index()` | Current block index (a.k.a. block height) |
| Storage Used | `env::storage_usage()` | Current storage used by this smart contract |
| Used Gas | `env::used_gas()` | Amount of gas used for execution |
| Signer Public Key | `env::signer_account_pk()` | Sender Public Key |
| Account Locked Balance | `env::account_locked_balance()` | Balance of this smart contract that is locked |

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