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Take a look at the different available APIs to help you build amazing apps on NEAR.


NEAR RPC API provides a simple JSON RPC 2.0 API to interact with the NEAR blockchain.

API Description
Access Keys Retrieve information about an account’s access keys.
Accounts / Contracts View details about accounts and contracts as well as perform contract calls.
Block / Chunk Query the network and get details about specific blocks or chunks.
Gas Get gas price for a specific block or hash.
Protocol Retrieve current genesis and protocol configuration.
Network Return status information for nodes and validators.
Transactions Send transactions and query their status.
Sandbox Patch state on a local sandbox node.

Tip: You can access the JSON RPC 2.0 endpoints using Postman,
JavaScript, and HTTPie.

REST Server

NEAR REST API Server is a project that allows you create your own simple
REST API server that interacts with the NEAR blockchain.

Route Description
CONTRACTS Deploy, view, and call smart contracts on NEAR.
UTILS Init accounts, create sub-accounts, and view key pairs.
NFTs Mint, view, and transfer NFTs.
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