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Can I use near-api-js on a static html page?

Yep! See examples below:

Example snippet:

  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/near-api-js.min.js"></script>
**Example Implementation:**





    How do I attach gas / a deposit?

    After contract is instantiated you can then call the contract and specify the amount of attached gas.

    await contract.method_name(
        arg_name: "value", // argument name and value - pass empty object if no args required
      300000000000000, // attached GAS (optional)
      1000000000000000000000000 // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR (optional)


    How are Jest Tests Configured?

    Check out the package.json file of some of our examples, particularly near the bottom where there’s this block:

      "jest": {
        "testEnvironment": "near-cli/test_environment",
        "testPathIgnorePatterns": [

    (Here we’re using a custom environment which may be something most web2 developers haven’t had to do.)

    Common Errors

    Missing contract method

    Missing a contract method when trying to call a contract? Check to see if you added the view or change methods when instantiating your contract.


    const contract = await new nearAPI.Contract(
        viewMethods: ["getMessages"],  
        changeMethods: ["addMessage"], 
        sender: walletConnection.getAccountId(),

    regeneratorRuntime is not defined

    You are probably using Parcel like we do in other examples. Please make sure you have this line at the top of your main JS file. (Most likely index.js):

    import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";
    • Also, ensure the dependencies for this are added to the project by checking the dev dependencies in your package.json. If not found you can install this by running the following in your terminal:
    npm install regenerator-runtime --save-dev

    Window error using Node.js

    You maybe using a KeyStore that’s for the browser. Instead use a filesystem key or private key string. See methods here

    Browser KeyStore:

    const { keyStores } = require("near-api-js");
    const keyStore = new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore();

    FileSystem KeyStore:

    const { keyStores } = require("near-api-js");
    const KEY_PATH = "~./near-credentials/testnet/example-account.json";
    const keyStore = new keyStores.UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(KEY_PATH);
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