
To Share and +4 nLEARNs

You can interact with, create or delete NEAR accounts.

Load Account

This will return an Account object for you to interact with.

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");

Class Account

Create Account

// create a new account using funds from the account used to create it.
const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.createAccount(
  "example-account2.testnet", // new account name
  "8hSHprDq2StXwMtNd43wDTXQYsjXcD4MJTXQYsjXcc", // public key for new account
  "10000000000000000000" // initial balance for new account in yoctoNEAR

Method Account.createAccount

Delete Account

// deletes account found in the `account` object
// transfers remaining account balance to the accountId passed as an argument
const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.deleteAccount("beneficiary-account.testnet");

Method Account.deleteAccount

Get Account Balance

// gets account balance
const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.getAccountBalance();

Method Account.getAccountBalance

Get Account details

Returns information about an account, such as authorized apps.

// gets account details in terms of authorized apps and transactions
const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.getAccountDetails();

Method Account.getAccountDetails

Deploy a Contract

You can deploy a contract from a compiled WASM file. This returns an object with transaction and receipts outcomes and status.

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
const transactionOutcome = await account.deployContract(fs.readFileSync('example-file.wasm'));

Method Account.deployContract
Interface FinalExecutionOutcome

Send Tokens

Transfer NEAR tokens between accounts. This returns an object with transaction and receipts outcomes and status.

const account = await nearConnection.account("sender-account.testnet");
await account.sendMoney(
  "receiver-account.testnet", // receiver account
  "1000000000000000000000000" // amount in yoctoNEAR

Method Account.sendMoney
Interface FinalExecutionOutcome


Get basic account information, such as amount of tokens the account has or the amount of storage it uses.

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
const accountState = await account.state();

Method Account.state
Interface AccountView

Access Keys

You can get and manage keys for an account.

Add Full Access Key

// takes public key as string for argument
const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.addKey("8hSHprDq2StXwMtNd43wDTXQYsjXcD4MJTXQYsjXcc");

Method Account.addKey

Add Function Access Key

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.addKey(
  "8hSHprDq2StXwMtNd43wDTXQYsjXcD4MJTXQYsjXcc", // public key for new account
  "example-account.testnet", // contract this key is allowed to call (optional)
  "example_method", // methods this key is allowed to call (optional)
  "2500000000000" // allowance key can use to call methods (optional)

Method Account.addKey

Get All Access Keys

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.getAccessKeys();

Method Account.getAccessKeys
Interface AccessKeyInfoView

Delete Access Key

const account = await nearConnection.account("example-account.testnet");
await account.deleteKey("8hSHprDq2StXwMtNd43wDTXQYsjXcD4MJTXQYsjXcc");

Method Account.deleteKey

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