Integrating Components

To integrate Components to your frontend, you will leverage two tools:

  1. Wallet Selector: Enables the user to select their preferred NEAR wallet in your dApp.
  2. NEAR VM: A package that can retrieve the component’s code from the blockchain and execute it in the browser.

Using those tools you will implement the following flow:

  1. Setup the VM.
  2. Render components using the Widget component in the VM.
  3. Setup a wallet selector so users can interact with the Menu.

To use the VM and the wallet-selector, you must add them to your project first.

The wallet selector has multiple wallet packages to select from. Check their website for more information.

npm install 

Then, manually add the VM to your package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "near-social-vm": "github:NearSocial/VM#2.5.5"

Setup the VM

To render components, you need to import the useInitNear hook from the near-social-vm package, as well as the Widget component.

export default function Component({ src }) {
  const { initNear } = useInitNear();

  useEffect(() => {
    initNear && initNear({ networkId: 'testnet', selector: null });
  }, [initNear]);

  return <Widget src={src} />;

return <Component src="influencer.testnet/widget/Greeter" props={{name: "Anna", amount: 2}} />

Setup the Wallet Selector

While the VM allows you to render components, you need to set up a wallet selector to allow users to interact with the components.

To instantiate a Wallet Selector, simply import all the wallets you want your users to have access to, and the setup method from the near-wallet-selector package.

const selector = setupWalletSelector({
  network: 'testnet,
  modules: [setupMyNearWallet()],

Then use it during the call to initNear:

  useEffect(() => {
    initNear && initNear({ networkId: 'testnet', selector: selector });
  }, [initNear]);
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