
To Share and +4 nLEARNs

import {WidgetEditor} from "@site/src/components/social-widget"

Files is a built-in component that enables to input files with drag and drop support. To use this feature, simply use the Files component. This component is a dependency from the IpfsImageUpload component.

Read more about the Files component here.


State.init({ img: null });

const uploadFileUpdateState = (body) => {
method: “POST”,
headers: { Accept: “application/json” },
(res) => {
const cid = res.body.cid;
State.update({ img: { cid } });

const filesOnChange = (files) => {
if (files) {
State.update({ img: { uploading: true, cid: null } });

return (

{ state.img?
upload preview
: “”

{ state.img?.uploading ? Uploading > : “Upload an Image” }


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This is default text for notification bar