Deploy Node on Mainnet

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Deploying a node on mainnet is similar to deploying on testnet:

  1. Create your mainnet wallet
  2. Deploy your mainnet staking pool
  3. Build and run your mainnet validator node

1. Create your mainnet Wallet

2. Deploy your mainnet Staking Pool

You can instantly deploy the staking pool with near-cli, using the command near call:

near call poolv1.near create_staking_pool '{"staking_pool_id":"<POOL_ID>", "owner_id":"<OWNER_ID>", "stake_public_key":"<VALIDATOR_KEY>", "reward_fee_fraction": {"numerator": <X>, "denominator": <Y>}}' --account_id <OWNER_ID> --amount 30 --gas 300000000000000

The command will invoke the staking-pool-factory from NEAR Core Contracts, passing the following parameters:

  • poolv1.near is the staking pool factory
  • POOL_ID is the name of your validator (and the staking pool associated with it)
  • OWNER_ID is the wallet that controls the pool, see the owner-only methods for more information
  • VALIDATOR_KEY is the validator node public key, from the file ~/.near/validator_key.json
  • {"numerator": <X>, "denominator": <Y>} set the validator fees. x=10 and y=100 equals to 10%
  • --amount 30 attaches 30 $NEAR to the transaction to pay the contract storage
  • --gas 300000000000000 specifies the amount of gas for the transaction (optional)

Heads Up:

If your POOL_ID is “buildlinks”, the staking pool factory will deploy a contract called “buildlinks.poolv1.near”, and your node will appear in the Explorer as “buildlinks.poolv1.near”

3. Build and run your mainnet validator node

git clone
export NEAR_RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl -s | tr '/" ' 'n' | grep "[0-9].[0-9]*.[0-9]" | head -n 1)
  • Go to the root directory and checkout the branch:
cd nearcore
  • Build the binary using Makefile target (note that building with
    a cargo build --release is not sufficient to create fully
    optimized executable):
make neard
  • configure the chain-id and account-id:
target/release/neard init --chain-id="mainnet" --account-id=<YOUR_STAKING_POOL_ID>
  • After the build process is done, check that the configuration file located at /HOME_DIR/.near/config.json is the same as this mainnet config.json.

  • Now, start your node with the following command:

    target/release/neard run
    • Or you can start your node without the JSON RPC endpoint by running the above command with an additional flag --disable-rpc. With the --disable-rpc flag present, node won’t start the HTTP server offering the JSON RPC endpoint. This reduces resource use and attack vector by closing a listening port.

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