
To Share and +4 nLEARNs

SocialDB is a smart contract to store social data on NEAR protocol.


Takes a list of keys and returns a joined JSON object with the matched data.

pub fn get(self, keys: Vec<String>) -> Value;
  • keys – an array of key patterns to return.

Returns the aggregated JSON object.

Reading a profile of account

To read all fields recursively for a given path add ** suffix.

env NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view social.near get '{"keys":["**"]}'
  "": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "Near Social",
      "image": {
        "ipfs_cid": "bafkreiej5new6k7bzlaaapuc7fgjlwaoqqw2qgzvilbmdankmfxw7siw6q"
      "linktree": {
        "twitter": "NearSocial_",
        "github": "NearSocial",
        "telegram": "NearSocial",
        "website": ""
Reading names of all account with profiles

Note that this query iterates over all accounts and will not fit into the available view call gas in the future.

env NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view social.near get '{"keys":["*/profile/name"]}'
  "mob.near": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "Eugene The Dream"
  "nearcondemo.near": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "Very Berry Demo Acc"
  "zavodil.near": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "Vadim"


  "kuzu.near": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "Joinairdrops"
  "goldich.near": {
    "profile": {
      "name": "MAG"

Keys API

Takes a list of keys and returns a joined JSON object with the keys matched the query.

pub fn keys(self, keys: Vec<String>) -> Value;
  • keys – an array of key patterns to return.

Returns the aggregated JSON object.

Getting a list of components of accounts root.near
env NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view social.near keys '{"keys":["root.near/widget/*"]}'
  "root.near": {
    "widget": {
      "AllProfilesWithGithub": true,
      "Egg": true,
      "TotalAccountsCount": true
Getting a list of accounts that have components
env NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view social.near keys '{"keys":["*/widget"]}'

Note that this query iterates over all accounts and will not fit into the available view call gas in the future.

  "mob.near": {
    "widget": true
  "nearcondemo.near": {
    "widget": true
  "zavodil.near": {
    "widget": true


  "elektromania.near": {
    "widget": true
  "kn00t.near": {
    "widget": true
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