Front-end Introduction

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Applications on NEAR have two distinct parts, like a back-end and front-end of a web app:

  1. Smart Contract(s): Storing and modifying data on the chain. Contracts need to expose methods that allow clients to "view" and "change" state.

  2. Interactions with Smart Contract(s): Like with a cloud API, you can interact with your contracts or contracts deployed by other people. You do this by using near-api-js Quickstart and Code Snippets in your application.

For developing and testing you will also need to know about Dev Accounts in order to be successful.

High Level Look

This is near-api-js in context with the rest of the NEAR platform.

If you haven’t seen all of these pieces yet, open a few new tabs with the following links and come back.

Your New App  |
NEAR Explorer |                                         o ----------------------- o
              |                                         |                         |
          ----+           o --------------- o           |  +-------------------+  |
              |    use    |                 |  ------>  |  |                   |  |
NEAR Wallet   |  -------> |   near-api-js   |    RPC    |  |  NEAR blockchain  |  |
              |           |                 |  <------  |  |                   |  |
          ----+           o --------------- o           |  +-------------------+  |
              |                                         |                         |
NEAR Examples |                                         o ----------------------- o
NEAR CLI      |

Building and Calling Smart Contracts

You can use any language that compiles to Web Assembly (Wasm), but NEAR currently supports:

  1. Rustnear-sdk-rs: a wrapper which provides improved safety for the Rust programming language for high value contracts.
  2. AssemblyScript near-sdk-as: a collection of helpers that make your SmartContracts look similar to TypeScript while compiling to Wasm for execution. AssemblyScript is currently not recommended for production financial applications due to the newness of the language and compilation tools available.

For details on how to build, test and deploy smart contracts, see the section on Smart Contracts.

Calling Smart Contracts

Use near-api-js Quickstart and Code Snippets, which wraps JSON-RPC calls calls.

Deploying Smart Contracts

There is only one "mainnet" where NEAR is "real". There is a testnet and you can run your own local network. The state of your contract will depend on which network it’s deployed to and if you are calling it from the same network, so make sure to double check your configuration when deploying / testing / calling. See Networks for more information.

Getting up to Speed: First Steps

One approach to learning app development with NEAR is to read through all of the sections identified above before writing your contract.

If you prefer a more experimental and rapid approach, try the following:

  1. Explore NEAR Examples to deploy one of several sample applications in minutes. You will be able to deploy them using Gitpod’s web-hosted environment, modify the code, play with them in the browser there and view transactions on the blockchain via an explorer or wallet. You can modify this code into your own apps.
  2. Use your own development environment to create dApps
    1. Beginner level setup (recommended): TestNet
  3. Follow our introductory JavaScript library Guides to
    1. Create an account
    2. Authenticate with NEAR CLI
    3. Prepare your developer playground (a single HTML file with inline JavaScript)
    4. Explore levels of abstraction in near-api-js
    5. Send yourself money (after hacking on our wallet storage to learn how it works)
  4. Follow our end-to-end guided walkthroughs
    1. Issue a token
    2. Call one smart contract from another

Getting Help

If you have feedback or suggestions for improvement, please don’t keep quiet about it.

  • Find us on Discord.
  • All our code is open source on GitHub.
  • For documentation feedback please file issues on our docs repo or submit a pull request with your edits.

near-api-js is a JavaScript/TypeScript library for development of DApps on the NEAR platform that can be used from any client or server-side JavaScript environment.

The NEAR platform is a sharded, developer-friendly, proof-of-stake public blockchain, built by a world-class team that has built some of the world’s only sharded databases at scale.

With near-api-js, we invite JavaScript developers to dive right in to writing, testing and deploying scalable decentralized applications in minutes on the most developer-friendly blockchain. It’s truly the blockchain for builders.


For context, it’s worth knowing that the core NEAR platform API is a JSON-RPC interface.

near-api-js wraps this RPC interface with convenience functions and exposes NEAR primitives as first class JavaScript objects.

We use near-api-js internally in tools like NEAR CLI and NEAR wallet.

You will use near-api-js as your primary interface with the NEAR platform anytime you are writing JavaScript (client or server-side).


near-api-js includes support for the essentials like:

  • generating key pairs
  • creating transactions
  • signing transactions
  • sending transactions to the network

near-api-js also supports interacting with other parts of the system and managing important NEAR primitives including:

  • keys and key stores
  • accounts
  • contracts
  • wallets (client-side only)
  • connection providers (currently RPC only)

did you know?

Let’s talk about Smart Contracts for a minute.

Although developers use `near-api-js` to connect to the NEAR platform from any **JavaScript** environment, they use one of two _other_ technologies to write and compile Smart Contracts so they can be deployed to the NEAR blockchain.

1. **AssemblyScript** _(which looks a lot like TypeScript if you squint)_
2. and **Rust** _(a powerful language with a great developer experience)_

Whichever language you use to build your Smart Contracts, know that, once compiled to Wasm, they are eventually deployed and executed on the NEAR platform exactly the same way using `near-api-js`.

If you’re familiar with JavaScript then **AssemblyScript** is the way to go for writing Smart Contracts on the NEAR platform.

You can explore our [examples]( online and deploy your first Smart Contract in seconds, literally, with gitpod IDE. And if you’d rather build locally, check out [create-near-app]( to get started. Either way, you’ll be interacting with your first deployed contract in minutes.

If you prefer **Rust** then check out [near-sdk-rs](/docs/develop/contracts/rust/intro) for authoring Smart Contracts in Rust that can be deployed using `near-api-js`. The `near-sdk-rs` repository has several great examples to help you get started quickly.

heads up

AssemblyScript is for non financial use cases.

**This is about all we’ll say on the topic of Smart Contracts** in this introduction to `near-api-js`.

Client and server-side development with near-api-js are very much the same except for two small differences: (a) how near-api-js is referenced and (b) how near-api-js is configured to handle storage of secure keys.

The next sections explain these differences before diving into a working example.


Our examples include several web based sample applications that rely on near-api-js for all of their NEAR platform connectivity and interaction. It’s possible to explore the examples in an online IDE (gitpod), and prototype your Smart Contracts and client-side web apps in a single environment.

All client-side applications using near-api-js share a similar pattern for connecting to the network.


To reference near-api-js in the browser, include it via CDN or add it to your asset pipeline as you would any other JavaScript library:

<script src=""></script>

CDNs like JSDelivr also support versioning. See the near-api-js page on JSDelivr for more:


To do anything useful on the NEAR platform you have to first establish a connection.

// configure minimal network settings and key storage
const config = {
  nodeUrl: "",
  deps: {
    keyStore: new nearApi.keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),

// open a connection to the NEAR platform
(async function () {
  window.near = await nearApi.connect(config);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // here you have access to `near-api-js` and a valid connection object `near`
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

heads up

When troubleshooting, the configuration of `nodeUrl` is worth careful attention. This is the entry point for all RPC communications with the NEAR network or even a single node if running locally. NEAR CLI handles this for you behind the scenes.

– **Local** development? use `http://localhost:3030`
– **TestNet** development? use ``

For NEAR Stake Wars connect via ``

did you know?

`near-api-js` supports different key stores depending on whether your code is running on the client-side or server-side.

– **client-side** applications should use `BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore`
– **server-side** applications should use `UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore`


For a concrete example of using near-api-js on the server-side, NEAR CLI is a Node.JS application that relies on near-api-js to generate secure keys, connect to the NEAR platform and send transactions to the network on your behalf. The NEAR CLI source code is instructive but if you’re going that route then you may as well head straight for the near-api-js tests where you’ll find loads of useful sample code.

All server-side applications using near-api-js share a similar pattern for connecting to the network.


To reference near-api-js in your Node.JS project, install via npm:

npm install near-api-js


To do anything useful on the NEAR platform you first have to establish a connection.

// configure network settings and key storage
const config = {
  nodeUrl: "",
  deps: {
    keyStore: new nearApi.keyStores.UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(),

// open a connection to the NEAR platform
(async function () {
  global.near = await nearApi.connect(config);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // here you have access to `near-api-js` and a valid connection object `near`
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

heads up

As a reminder, `near-api-js` **requires a different key store** depending on whether your code is running on the client or server-side.

– **client-side** applications should use `BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore`
– **server-side** applications should use `UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore`


The NEAR platform allows very limited network access to anonymous requests. Without the proper credentials, only basic queries of blockchain network status are available to you. In fact this public information is available over HTTP via NEAR Explorer.

NEAR accounts represent people (ie. users, organizations, etc) and contracts. To do anything meaningful, you need an account. Here "meaningful" translates directly to "sending a signed transaction to the network" (which then leads to some amount of storage being consumed and / or computation being performed). All transactions on the network must be signed by a valid NEAR account, no exceptions.

did you know?

If you’re new to the world of blockchain, terms like keys, wallets, faucets and gas can be a little disorienting. Let’s try to clear these up right now.

If you’re already familiar with these terms then feel free to skip ahead.

– **keys are a cryptographic mechanism for claiming identity and proving ownership**
A little bit like your driver’s license and hand written signature, your public key (_driver’s license_) is presented to anyone who asks to confirm that your private key (_hand written signature_) was used to sign off on something. This is why having someone’s private key is very powerful — you can forge their signature perfectly and undeniably — so keep your private keys safe)

– **accounts represent anything (ie. person or contract) that intends to participate in a transaction on the NEAR platform**
Accounts are identified by friendly, human readable names like “Adam” or “Eve” (people) and “check-if-apple-was-eaten” (contract) but they all require at least one keypair, a public and matching private key, to participate on the network

– **the only way to create a new account on the NEAR platform is to have another, pre-existing account sign off on the transaction using a pair of cryptographic keys**
The relevant transaction in this case is `CreateAccount`, one of many supported transaction types, and signed transactions are a fundamental requirement of a blockchain to guarantee that every transaction is verifiable and traceable

– **all accounts must pay some small amount of rent to remain on the network because accounts take up space and space costs money**
Accounts must pay the network for their own storage and compute as well as fees for processing transactions they initiate

– **the cost of data storage and computation on the network is measured in units of gas which is a configurable bit of network economics but is usually vanishingly small**
Gas is a dynamic, unified unit of cost for storage and compute on the NEAR network. We say gas is dynamic because what you can buy with 1 unit of gas depends on network load. We say gas is a unified unit of cost because the costs of storage and compute are both measured in gas. At the time of writing it costs 1 gas to store 1 byte of data on the network and it costs 3 gas to calculate the result of 2+2. Creating a new account costs 2 gas.

Gas is purchased using NEAR tokens to store data and execute computations at the rate of 1 yoctoNEAR per 1 unit of gas. A yoctoNEAR is 1 / 10^24 NEAR, an incredibly small fraction. Each account on the NEAR network has its own balance in NEAR tokens and gas is bought on the fly when a transaction gets processed. Budget limits can also be set for individual function calls.

– **new accounts receive an initial gift of tokens, like a budget to exist and operate, which is funded by a pre-existing account called a faucet**
These pre-existing accounts are commonly known as faucets because, I suppose, they pour money into new accounts at the time of creation

– **using NEAR Wallet is currently the only way for new users to create an account**
A key part of the functionality of NEAR Wallet is to wrap a faucet account with a friendly user interface so `CreateAccount` transactions can be signed and funded by a pre-existing faucet account behind the scenes

When you use NEAR Wallet to create a new account, this is what happens behind the scenes:

  • it uses a faucet account to sign off on the CreateAccount transaction for you
  • it uses the same faucet account to fund your new account with 200 NEAR
  • it saves the private key for your new account in your browser’s LocalStorage

When you use NEAR CLI to create a new account, you need what’s called a masterAccount, a valid account (for which you control the private key, stored in a folder called neardev on your file system) to sign transactions before sending them to the network. We’ll discuss this in detail when we get to the server-side shortly.

End users shouldn’t have to think about any of this. Users of applications you build with near-api-js should be directed to NEAR Wallet for a seamless account creation and onboarding experience. It’s your challenge as a developer to gracefully guide your users towards the value of your application and we hope NEAR Wallet is a helpful step in that direction.

did you know?

The NEAR platform currently supports 2 kinds of keys: `FullAccess` and `FunctionCall` keys.

When you made a call to `wallet.requestSignIn()` what you were actually doing was asking the user (the new account you just created) for permission to _act on their behalf_. Did you notice the restriction NEAR Wallet put on this request?

> This does not allow the app to **transfer any tokens.**

If you didn’t see it, run the NEAR Wallet flow again and read carefully below the message “near-api-js client-side quickstart”

Can’t transfer tokens?! Well, that’s exactly what we’re trying to do! So it fails. Wump wump.

If you have NEAR CLI installed you can use the `near keys ` command to see the list of keys available for any account.

near keys THE_USER_ACCOUNT # get THE_USER_ACCOUNT from wallet.getAccountId() while browsing index.html on localhost

At least one key will look like this with `FunctionCall` permissions (your public_key will differ):

“access_key”: {
“nonce”: 0, // nonce is an incrementing counter to avoid duplicate transactions
“permission”: {
“FunctionCall”: { // this is a FunctionCall access key
“allowance”: “100000000000000”, // with about 100 trillion units of gas (yoctoNEAR)
“method_names”: [], // allowed method names (we didn’t specify any in our call)
“receiver_id”: “not-a-real-contract” // this is what we named our contract
“public_key”: “ed25519:7kuoy3S5jLT8HMd1MTzfUxzVyL7CLa8GE1Jix1YnzcXw”


And at least one key will look like this with `FullAccess` permissions (your public_key will differ):

“access_key”: {
“nonce”: 0, // nonce is an incrementing counter to avoid duplicate transactions
“permission”: “FullAccess” // this is a FullAccess access key
“public_key”: “ed25519:AnNFREBskoffaCXHZWZ73LJJNJePH16BwM3T1W2c7WfH”

Ready For More?

Sample Applications

  • Examples
    • try several samples that can be explored in an online IDE.
  • Hello World
    • this application is used as part of our test environment to exercise near-api-js
    • explore the source code
  • NEAR + Vue + Tailwind
    • A quick start setup for a dApp using NEAR, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS 2
    • explore the source code
  • vue-near

Built With NEAR

  • CryptoCorgies
    • try our delightful clone of the famous CryptoKitties application that brought the Ethereum network to a grinding halt.
    • explore the source code

Hopefully you found this introduction to near-api-js and the NEAR platform useful.

If you have feedback or suggestions for improvement, please don’t keep quiet about it.

Got a question?
> Ask it on StackOverflow!

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