DeepGreen Beta Testers Feedback

3 min read

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Beta test sprint starts: April 14, 9 am ET
Beta Test sprint ends: April 17, 11pm ET.


Welcome to the field acceptance test of our web application and NEAR Protocol integration.

Carbon Emissions can be offset by purchasing private CO2 certificates. Unfortunately this market suffers from fraud and untransparent processes. We are here to help and we have NEAR Protocol to help us do it! We offer CO2 Certificates originating from Construction and Infrastructure projects where environmentally-friendly processes and materials were incentivised.

The central smart contract during testing will be report.deepgreencc.near. The goal of this test is to learn how intuitive our app is and to understand if something is not clear or even not working.

Our Application enables businesses to purchase CO2 Compensation Certificates and use these certificates in their report which is mandatory in Germany since this year. During testing, all requests will be accepted within 10 seconds automatically.


  1. Visit our Landing Page  and navigate to our web App
  2. Create an Account by making up credentials and an imaginary company
  3. Request the purchase of CO2 Certificates
  4. Request the usage of certificates by creating a new CO2 report
  5. View the report you created by going back to the dashboard where there is a table for transactions. Above the table there is a toggle switch to view usages and purchases. When selecting usages all created reports are being shown the the name being a link to the specific report page.
  6. Now inspect the NEAR blockchain to verify the data being written is correct regarding the report name, company name and certificate quantitynear-dapp-deppgreen-7-1024x545
  7. Verify the projects whose certificates were used to create the reports compensation by clicking on the links to the projects pages in the report window
  8. Take a screenshot
  9. Tweet about this with a screenshot “I just verified Carbon Credit Certificate issued by DeepGreen, project from @LearnNEAR LNC Barrel” +link to transaction
  10. Congratulations!
    You have just purchased CO2 Compensation for your company and used them in your report. This transaction is saved on the NEAR blockchain and you can show it to your customers anytime, increasing transparency! Furthermore, you have used one of the most environmentally friendly blockchains around to do so.
    Please share with us how the process has worked out for you. Tell us if at any step you did not quite understand what was happening and why, or if anything outright didn’t work.Thank you for participation, please submit the NEAR explorer URL and your company name so we can verify your completion.

Fill the Feedback form

The top 20 beta testers will get 2 NEAR, the best feedback submitter will get 10 NEAR. Please make sure your NEAR testnet and mainnet account MATCH exactly. – eg. john.testnet and john.near.

Happy testing!


Post Beta Tests Notes:

We are a Startup combining the trustless nature of blockchain in the form of the environmentally friendly NEAR Protocol with Carbon Offsetting.

For this we have developed a webapp and applied for the LNC Barrel Program, where we get support, contacts and access to funding for our development.

But its not only funding and good ideas that are required, but it’s also Beta Testing. During development its important to get feedback from outsiders as often as possible in order to understand whether the development goes in the right direction, the UI is intuitive and any bugs have sneaked their way into the main branch.

For this we got help from LNC, where compensation was offered to constructive feedback for using our app. Within 3 days we received numerous valuable feedback statements which helped us greatly understand how our customers would feel and react to our platform. 

We can strongly encourage everyone building with NEAR Protocol to apply for this support whilst leveraging one of the most advanced blockchains around.

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