🔔 Your nStamp form nStamp test submission

nCaptcha : 0.001
nCaptcha Transaction : H763psHfX3ZRyF8e8TfHRHWiW7HW9FP2aATYju2zvZeW
Your Near account : felix1997.near
Why do you like LNC? : Proof of (L)Earn: nLEARNs serve as a way to demonstrate a learner's history and progress, allowing others to assess the consistency and dedication of a learner's progress.
nStamp : d274f5f1075cdca495a1057edb4fb378a35ff48f97222babea6c3e4ae9294a44
nStamp Transaction : 7yJxs51rckMWNNHkF213H2sPvVsQNh1u4kQJUwL3b75Y

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