🔔 Your nStamp form nStamp test submission

nCaptcha : 0.001
nCaptcha Transaction : FQCvsvfXeAAEQZ4WtyXZ8KHi2Ae2SpsEAmFFuk2FHbRF
Your Near account : rezadeli.near
Why do you like LNC? : As a teacher I value education and support the spreading of knowledge, I like LNC because unlike under projects it's not just about adding liquidity and having more users.
nStamp : e6cb5aaae4b7ca2286c857febd30bee2d4ea450f3ffe4846aa3926f246ac82ea
nStamp Transaction : D8pXTE8RFcsG2hLkob6mdQyTye8w9b8s9Fr1zEWZfF5a

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