🔔 Your nStamp form nStamp test submission

nCaptcha : 0.001
nCaptcha Transaction : 5rRwoPG7NscnvvYTHgWm4aHAnLE56vN4W3g4jF8sb5M4
Your Near account : yannsolol.near
Why do you like LNC? : I first like because LNC is full learning platform where I could have bee involved from zero about NEAR ecosystem. I never used this chain before, and by learning about it, I'm now fond of it. At the point of today, NEAR is on my TOP3 best projects I'd want to take part into !
nStamp : 26fc706f3bc78a747f3f9c3dc11c2fb61664efcaf3cd31172580780b65a8a214
nStamp Transaction : Fn2gUL5chY31KLUeVG7B7cxwKBtNKkDpWgRuxb4PX59S

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