Design Components

Design System Components

When building components, the NEAR VM provides a complete set of Radix primitives to simplify UI development.

Radix UI

Using embedded Radix primitives on the NEAR VM is simple and straight-forward. You don’t need to import any files:

return (
    <Label.Root className="LabelRoot">
      Hello World!

:::caution Limitations

Currently, NEAR VM impose some limitations on the Radix UI framework:

  • Form component is not available.
  • You can’t use .Portal definitions.
  • Using CSS is different. You’ll have to use a styled.div wrapper.


Using CSS

Here is an example on how to use CSS through the styled.div wrapper:

const Wrapper = styled.div`
  .SwitchRoot {
  .SwitchThumb {

return (
    <Switch.Root className="SwitchRoot">
      <Switch.Thumb className="SwitchThumb" />

Using styled-components

You can use styled-components in combination with Radix UI primitives. Here’s an example:

const SwitchRoot = styled("Switch.Root")`
  all: unset;
  display: block;
  width: 42px;
  height: 25px;
  background-color: var(--blackA9);
  border-radius: 9999px;
  position: relative;
  box-shadow: 0 2px 10px var(--blackA7);

  &[data-state="checked"] {
    background-color: black;

const SwitchThumb = styled("Switch.Thumb")`
  all: unset;
  display: block;
  width: 21px;
  height: 21px;
  background-color: white;
  border-radius: 9999px;
  box-shadow: 0 2px 2px var(--blackA7);
  transition: transform 100ms;
  transform: translateX(2px);
  will-change: transform;

  &[data-state="checked"] {
    transform: translateX(19px);

return (
    <SwitchThumb />

Forward references

The NEAR VM re-implements React’s forwardRef as ref="forwardedRef".

You can use ref="forwardedRef" to forward references through <Widget /> to support Radix’s asChild property:

<AlertDialog.Trigger asChild>
    props={{ label: "Click Me" }}
const Button = styled.button`
  background: #f00;

return (
  <Button type="button" ref="forwardedRef">
    {props.label}: Forwarded

UI is Near

UI is Near is community-built library offering a comprehensive collection of UI components providing a solid foundation for creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for dApps, wallets or other Web3 solutions.

DIG components

These are the Decentralized Interface Guidelines (DIG) components available on the NEAR VM:


An accordion built with the Radix primitive.

// Rendering the component with props
return (

My JSX context 1.

Here’s another paragraph.

value: “2”,
header: “Header 2”,
content: (

My JSX context 2.

Here’s another paragraph.



This component renders an avatar.

const accountId = “root.near”;
const profile = props.profile || Social.get(`${accountId}/profile/**`, “final”);

// Rendering the component with props
return (



This component renders a badge. Badges are not meant to be clickable. Refer to DIG.Button or DIG.Chip for clickable alternatives.

// Rendering the component with props
return (



A fully featured button component that can act as a <button> or <a> tag.

// Rendering the component with props
return ;


A checkbox built with the Radix primitive.

// Rendering the component with props


A fully featured chip component that can act as a <button> or <a> tag.

// Rendering the component with props
return ();


This Dialog component is built with the Radix primitive.

dialogIsOpen: false,

function handleCancelFunction() {

function handleConfirmFunction() {

// Rendering the component with props
return (

State.update({ dialogIsOpen: true }),

State.update({ dialogIsOpen: value }),


This dropdown menu is built with the Radix primitive.

// Rendering the component with props
return (
header: “Dropdown header”,
items: [
name: “Profile”,
iconLeft: “ph ph-user-circle”,
iconRight: “ph ph-user-focus”,
subHeader: “Sub header here”,
name: “Settings”,


A text input component.

myValue: “”,

// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ myValue: }),
value: state.myValue,


An input component for typing a search query.

// Rendering the component with props
return (


A select input component built with the Radix primitive.

myValue: “c”,

// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ myValue: value });


An input component that handles adding and removing tags.

myTags: [“food”, “watermelon”],

// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ myTags: value }),


A textarea input component.

myValue: “”,

// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ myValue: }),
value: state.myValue,


This tabs component is built with the Radix primitive.

// Rendering the component with props
return ();


This component wraps all of NEAR Components so you don’t need to render it yourself.


This toast component is built with Radix primitive.

State.init({ showToast: false });

// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ showToast: value }),
trigger: (
State.update({ showToast: true }),
action: (
State.update({ showToast: false }),
providerProps: { duration: 1000 },


A tooltip built with the Radix primitive.

// Rendering the component with props
return (

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