Design System Components
When building components, the NEAR VM provides a complete set of Radix primitives to simplify UI development.
Radix UI
Using embedded Radix primitives on the NEAR VM is simple and straight-forward. You don’t need to import any files:
return (
<Label.Root className="LabelRoot">
Hello World!
:::caution Limitations
Currently, NEAR VM impose some limitations on the Radix UI framework:
component is not available.- You can’t use
definitions. - Using CSS is different. You’ll have to use a
Using CSS
Here is an example on how to use CSS through the styled.div
const Wrapper = styled.div`
.SwitchRoot {
.SwitchThumb {
return (
<Switch.Root className="SwitchRoot">
<Switch.Thumb className="SwitchThumb" />
sing Wrapper
[Example widget using Wrapper](
Using styled-components
You can use styled-components
in combination with Radix UI primitives. Here’s an example:
const SwitchRoot = styled("Switch.Root")`
all: unset;
display: block;
width: 42px;
height: 25px;
background-color: var(--blackA9);
border-radius: 9999px;
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 2px 10px var(--blackA7);
&[data-state="checked"] {
background-color: black;
const SwitchThumb = styled("Switch.Thumb")`
all: unset;
display: block;
width: 21px;
height: 21px;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 9999px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 2px var(--blackA7);
transition: transform 100ms;
transform: translateX(2px);
will-change: transform;
&[data-state="checked"] {
transform: translateX(19px);
return (
<SwitchThumb />
sing styled components
[Example widget using styled components to style Radix UI](
Forward references
The NEAR VM re-implements React’s forwardRef as ref="forwardedRef"
You can use ref="forwardedRef"
to forward references through <Widget />
to support Radix’s asChild
<AlertDialog.Trigger asChild>
props={{ label: "Click Me" }}
const Button = styled.button`
background: #f00;
return (
<Button type="button" ref="forwardedRef">
{props.label}: Forwarded
UI is Near
UI is Near is community-built library offering a comprehensive collection of UI components providing a solid foundation for creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for dApps, wallets or other Web3 solutions.
You can find the documentation, available components, and code examples following this [this link](
DIG components
These are the Decentralized Interface Guidelines (DIG) components available on the NEAR VM:
- DIG.Accordion
- DIG.Avatar
- DIG.Badge
- DIG.Button
- DIG.Checkbox
- DIG.Chip
- DIG.Dialog
- DIG.DropdownMenu
- DIG.Input
- DIG.InputSearch
- DIG.InputSelect
- DIG.InputTags
- DIG.InputTextarea
- DIG.Tabs
- DIG.Theme
- DIG.Toast
- DIG.Tooltip
If you want to see working demos of these components, check the [DIG Overview page](
An accordion built with the Radix primitive.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
My JSX context 1.
Here’s another paragraph.
value: “2”,
header: “Header 2”,
content: (
My JSX context 2.
Here’s another paragraph.
DIG.Accordion properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This component renders an avatar.
const accountId = “root.near”;
const profile = props.profile || Social.get(`${accountId}/profile/**`, “final”);
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Avatar properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This component renders a badge. Badges are not meant to be clickable. Refer to DIG.Button or DIG.Chip for clickable alternatives.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Badge properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A fully featured button component that can act as a <button>
or <a>
// Rendering the component with props
DIG.Button properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A checkbox built with the Radix primitive.
// Rendering the component with props
DIG.Checkbox properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A fully featured chip component that can act as a <button>
or <a>
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Chip properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This Dialog component is built with the Radix primitive.
dialogIsOpen: false,
function handleCancelFunction() {
function handleConfirmFunction() {
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Dialog properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This dropdown menu is built with the Radix primitive.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
header: “Dropdown header”,
items: [
name: “Profile”,
iconLeft: “ph ph-user-circle”,
iconRight: “ph ph-user-focus”,
subHeader: “Sub header here”,
name: “Settings”,
DIG.DropdownMenu properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A text input component.
myValue: “”,
// Rendering the component with props
return (
value: state.myValue,
DIG.Input properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
An input component for typing a search query.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.InputSearch properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A select input component built with the Radix primitive.
myValue: “c”,
// Rendering the component with props
return (
State.update({ myValue: value });
DIG.InputSelect properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
An input component that handles adding and removing tags.
myTags: [“food”, “watermelon”],
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.InputTags properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A textarea input component.
myValue: “”,
// Rendering the component with props
return (
value: state.myValue,
DIG.InputTextarea properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This tabs component is built with the Radix primitive.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Tabs properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
This component wraps all of NEAR Components so you don’t need to render it yourself.
ou can use any of the [CSS variables]( defined inside `DIG.Theme`.
This toast component is built with Radix primitive.
State.init({ showToast: false });
// Rendering the component with props
return (
trigger: (
action: (
providerProps: { duration: 1000 },
DIG.Toast properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.
A tooltip built with the Radix primitive.
// Rendering the component with props
return (
DIG.Tooltip properties
[Click here]( for properties and details.