Modules, Types & Structs

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import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’;
import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;
import {CodeTabs, Language, Github} from "@site/components/codetabs"

When writing smart contracts you will leverage common programming concepts such:


Modules help you to organize your code and reuse third-party libraries.

The main module you will use in your contract will be the NEAR SDK, which: gives you access to the execution environment, allows you to call other contracts, transfer tokens, and much more.

:::info Using external libraries

As a general rule of thumb for Rust, anything that supports wasm32-unknown-unknown will be compatible with your smart contract.
However, we do have a size limit for a compiled contract binary which is ~4.19 MB, so it is possible that certain large libraries will not be compatible.


Native Types

When writing contracts you have access to all the language’s native types.

number, bigint, string, [], {} …

u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, Vec, HashMap

u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, Array, Map

Always prefer native types in the contract’s interface. The only exception is values larger than 52 bytes (such as u64 and u128), for which string-like alternatives are preferred.

Always make sure to check for underflow and overflow errors. For Rust, simply add overflow-checks=true in your Cargo.


SDK Collections

Besides the native types, the NEAR SDK implements collections such as Vector and UnorderedMap
to help you store complex data in the contract’s state.

Always prefer SDK collections over native ones in the contract’s attributes (state).

Internal Structures

You can define and instantiate complex objects through classes and structures.

🦀 Notice that the class is decorated with multiple macros:
– `BorshDeserialize` & `BorshSerialize` allow the structure to be read and
written into the contract’s state
– `Serialize` & `Deserialize` allow the structure to be used as an input type and
return type of the contract’s methods.

If you are curious on why the (de)serialization is needed read our [serialization documentation](./

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