Recently NEAR has approved a new standard that, among other things, enables users to authenticate into a backend service.
The basic idea is that the user will sign a challenge with their NEAR wallet, and the backend will verify the signature. If the signature is valid, then the user is authenticated.
Backend Auth with a NEAR Wallet
Authenticating users is a common use-case for backends and web applications. This enables services to provide a personalized experience to users, and to protect sensitive data.
To authenticate a user, the backend must verify that the user is who they say they are. To do so, the backend must verify that the user has access to a full-access key that is associated with their account.
For this three basic steps are needed:
- Create a challenge for the user to sign.
- Ask the user to sign the challenge with the wallet.
- Verify the signature corresponds to the user.
1. Create a Challenge
Assume we want to login the user into our application named application-name
We first need to create a challenge that the user will sign with their wallet. For this, it is recommended to use a cryptographically secure random number generator to create the challenge.
const challenge = randomBytes(32)
const message = 'Login with NEAR'
Here we use [crypto.randomBytes]( to generate a 32 byte random buffer.
2. Ask the User to Sign the Challenge
The signMessage
method needed to sign the challenge is supported by these wallets:
- Meteor Wallet
- Here Wallet
- Near Snap
- Nightly Wallet
- NearMobileWallet
- MyNearWallet
- Sender
The message that the user needs to sign contains 4 fields:
- Message: The message that the user is signing.
- Recipient: The recipient of the message.
- Nonce: The challenge that the user is signing.
- Callback URL: The URL that the wallet will call with the signature.
// Assuming you setup a wallet selector so far
const signature = wallet.signMessage({ message, recipient, nonce: challenge, callbackUrl: <server-auth-url> })
3. Verify the Signature
Once the user has signed the challenge, the wallet will call the callbackUrl
with the signature. The backend can then verify the signature.
const naj = require('near-api-js')
const js_sha256 = require("js-sha256")
export async function authenticate({ accountId, publicKey, signature }) {
// A user is correctly authenticated if:
// - The key used to sign belongs to the user and is a Full Access Key
// - The object signed contains the right message and domain
const full_key_of_user = await verifyFullKeyBelongsToUser({ accountId, publicKey })
const valid_signature = verifySignature({ publicKey, signature })
return valid_signature && full_key_of_user
export function verifySignature({ publicKey, signature }) {
// Reconstruct the payload that was **actually signed**
const payload = new Payload({ message: MESSAGE, nonce: CHALLENGE, recipient: APP, callbackUrl: cURL });
const borsh_payload = borsh.serialize(payloadSchema, payload);
const to_sign = Uint8Array.from(js_sha256.sha256.array(borsh_payload))
// Reconstruct the signature from the parameter given in the URL
let real_signature = Buffer.from(signature, 'base64')
// Use the public Key to verify that the private-counterpart signed the message
const myPK = naj.utils.PublicKey.from(publicKey)
return myPK.verify(to_sign, real_signature)
export async function verifyFullKeyBelongsToUser({ publicKey, accountId }) {
// Call the public RPC asking for all the users' keys
let data = await fetch_all_user_keys({ accountId })
// if there are no keys, then the user could not sign it!
if (!data || !data.result || !data.result.keys) return false
// check all the keys to see if we find the used_key there
for (const k in data.result.keys) {
if (data.result.keys[k].public_key === publicKey) {
// Ensure the key is full access, meaning the user had to sign
// the transaction through the wallet
return data.result.keys[k].access_key.permission == "FullAccess"
return false // didn't find it
// Aux method
async function fetch_all_user_keys({ accountId }) {
const keys = await fetch(
method: 'post',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' },
body: `{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"query", "params":["access_key/${accountId}", ""], "id":1}`
}).then(data => data.json()).then(result => result)
return keys
module.exports = { authenticate, verifyFullKeyBelongsToUser, verifySignature };